söndag 20 mars 2011

5pm or 5am I don´t even know

5 in the morning me coming home fucking tipsy
for somewhere don´t or can´r really rember where I was
But I love the outfit I had on

Some of the last (winter/spring) outfits..

Some of the last outfits I have been wearing .
And I hope that spring is on it´s way for real and that no more snow is to
come . I can´t handel any more snow

fredag 18 mars 2011

tisdag 15 mars 2011

Spring is on its way

It been a long time since i wrote something in this thing called a "blog" long time since I did anything it feels like . But now that spring is on it´s way I think it ´t time for me to show my style or what you now want to call it .